So life at the campsite over the last few months has been a bit hot, to put it mildly. I’ve heard people mention Betty Swalloxs several times, but I’m not sure who she is or if she is staying in a tent or a caravan!
Me and the girls are very glad we shed our winter coats and have been in our summer finery all through the hot weather. We did find that rolling in the dry dust in our field kept us cool and helped with the occasional itch in those hard to reach places. I may have four legs but none of them will reach the small of my back! We totally recommend a dust roll if you are hot and itchy!
We’ve seen classic cars and motorbikes, paid tribute to The Queen and bopped away to the band late on a Saturday night when we should be asleep… shhh don’t tell Dave!
Our first summer at Apple Orchard has been hot, noisy, busy and full of laughter, carrots and cuddles. We’ve loved every donkey minute of it!